Counselling Sessions In Delhi School
Richmondd Global School also holds special counselling sessions for the children and their parents. Being an inclusive school, a full time counsellor (Child Psychologist) is available for students and their parents. The school counsellor pays special attention to the children, especially those with special needs and provides remedial measures to them. The following initiatives are taken by the school:
• Life Skill Education : The school has a structured programme for Life Skill Education for all classes. It is also supplemented by inviting specialists and conducting workshops.
• Career Counselling: Special career counselling sessions are organized for senior students where in distinguished personalities from corporate sectors, professors from renowned educational institutions and engineering students from topmost colleges visit the school for their special talks and awareness programmes related to various career opportunities.
Also, there are exclusive programmes aimed at de-stressing students and solving their problems related to speedy and unhindered learning.
• Interaction with Parents: Eminent counsellors and psychologists specializing in early education and child behaviour are invited for comprehensive talks and interactive sessions with the parents to provide them an extra edge to deal with the challenges that may arise while managing their wards at home.