Co -curricular activities are an integral part of RGS curriculum. The well-knitted activity approach
syllabus includes a number of ventures which positively affect the all round development of every
student. The students are involved in-Dance, Drama, Debates, Role- Plays, Games, Creative Writing,
Art and many more. These activities not only help shape the overall personality of every
Richmondian but also create a path to prepare them for the future-the Global World. The school
gives every child an opportunity to perform on stage through various functions and assemblies
organised every now and then on different occasions. The students are also given exposure for
Performing Arts, Calligraphy, cooking without fire and Nukkad Nataks organised for social
EXPERIMENTAL LEARNING-The students are encouraged to various problem -solving situations
through experimentation to develop a scientific approach and learning by doing.
LANGUAGE CLUBS-ensure total exposure for developing the oratory skills of the students by
participating in various -group- discussions, debates, video conferencing help students to learn
about the world in which they live in.Also, the students through various dimensions get a chance to
explore the happenings in the world and adapt a sensitive opinion towards the problems faced in
the world in turn leading to problem solving approach and sharing ideas with others around,
Moreover, discussions and debates also create sensitivity in students towards their fellow beings..
VISITS-The visits to various places not only refresh the young minds from the daily routines but also
help them observe and learn from the environment. Students are taken to different museums,
theatres, exhibitions to help them know the different places and the importance of each one of
CELEBRATIONS- RGS is known for its global and secular approach in celebrating festivals throughout
the year. The students celebrate Indian and cross culture festivals and events too to get acquainted
to values and traditions of other countries as well.